Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Next Step Of Active Visualization


Yesterday I talked about beginning your active visualization. Today, I wanted to start going over step two of your active visualization which is to identify the next actions you can take to make those images you have in your mind come true. In this podcast, I talk about how I suggest you do it and include some tips and ideas that can help you get started.

Enjoy today's podcast.

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Michael Kuhn

Black Belt Project: Build Mental Strength


I love your pod cast. I can listen to this while I work. Thank you for posting each day. I look forward to it. By the way if you want a good trip try Disneyworld. They have great packet and you can make payments. They have food plans and everything. Thank you for being open. I feel like this group is great and really helpful.
Tina Salas

Thanks Tina. I will work on doing more podcasts.
