The Definitive Guide To Excellence

This page will list each of the steps that I've taken on my own personal journey towards excellence. Each step will link to a specific post that details what went into that step.

The current step I am working on will be at the bottom of the list and won't be linked until I've completed it first. Then I will list my next step.

NOTE: On April 9, 2016, I decided to start the Black Belt Project from scratch. I wasn't happy with the site the way it was set up. I've moved it to a new host and am beginning the reconstruction of the site beginning with this page. If you dig into the site, you'll find all the old posts, warts and all. But below I plan on presenting my best work yet. I hope you'll follow my journey and decide to begin your own.

List Of Each Step In My Journey:

  • #1: GTD Calls List (In Progress)

Check back periodically to see where I am at in my journey. Here's to being the best we can possibly be.
